They rocked, they progged, they disco-ed, they even doomed - in short it was fucking awesome! I haven't seen a band who have combined so many disparate genres and made it really work in a loooong time. There was eight of them on a small stage dressed in matching silver spangly capes (except for the singer Lola who was uber-glam, and the drummer Milo who had his own special black getup) - the usual drums/bass/guitar/keys scenario but with added electric violin, saxophone and trumpet. It shouldn't be a surprise as to how good they are though - they count among the band members of other groups like reknowned house act Spektrum, doom legends Cathedral and Dissident faves Binary Chaffinch.

They have just dropped their new album Crush Depth and it comes highly recommended. They manage to pull off the trick of being musically all over the shop but tied together with unique focus and vision. Being that the band was formed in 2000 by brothers Leo and Milo Smee, also the rhythm section, that would make sense. There's definitely a whiff of Goblin to the proceeding, which makes even more sense and endears them to me even more. So, if you have a chance to see this band live this summer, do it, and if not (or even if so) go out and get Crush Depth RIGHT THIS BLOODY MINUTE!!
Chrome Hoof Myspace
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