21 September 2010

Bono = Massive Knobend (Part #3,694)

Proof, if proof be need be, that Bono is a massive twat.

He's just spent shedloads of money on delivering costly goods to some journalists in New York, each package (being one of FOUR) having to be delivered individually by a messenger. Apparently it's to get them to cover his ONE foundation/charity/tax write off thingy, but instead looks like a pr move that's going to back fire with donors asking "why didn't you give our money to the poor?".

"Another container held the oversized cookie and water bottle in an odd pitch for funds for clean water and "sustainable sources of food."

Poverty-stricken African kids live on less than $1.25 a day -- "about the cost of the cookie in this box," ONE contended.

The leather-bound journal and ruler urged education funding in sub-Saharan Africa.

But here's the real kicker:

"ONE gives only a pittance in direct charitable support to its causes -- something Borochoff said the average donor might not realize.

The Bono nonprofit took in $14,993,873 in public donations in 2008, the latest year for which tax records are available.

Of that, $184,732 was distributed to three charities, according to the IRS filing.

Meanwhile, more than $8 million was spent on executive and employee salaries.


Story in full here - thanks to Joe Muggs for the tip off.

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