Somebody called Disco beard (I wonder who it could be??) has just put their entire back catalogue up online in a zip. If you want to get your hands on it, the address is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/hftqvu
There's some wicked shiz in there, like Giorgio Moroder, Musique, Stereolab, Bonzo Dog Band and another 12 tracks ranging from new to old, and far beyond the bounds of mere disco. Enjoy!
*** EDIT ***
Disco Beard has actually been in touch directly to say thanks (not), and to mention that there is one edit he did of his beloved Stereolab that did not go into the folder. And he is kindly letting us give it away for free - bonus! Thank you Mr Beard, whoever you are...
STEREOLAB One Finger Symphony (Disco Beard Edit) by littlerockrecords
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