First up is the latest podcast from the LA based club night Low End Theory, mixed by resident DJ Nobody and featuring guest DJ Take. I discovered this through the awesome Dangerous Minds blog, where Nobody is a contributor. See, it's not all Croweyan conspiracy and crypto-intellectual readings of Lady Gaga over there, its quite a lot of great music too. There's another 13 podcasts in the Low End Theory series (as the name would suggest), so if you like 14 check the others out too.

One of the other residents at Low End Theory is the reknowned Gaslamp Killer, who has just put together a decade-spanning retrospective mix of unreleased music by Flying Lotus, as a lead up to the release of FlyLo's new album "Cosmogramma" through Warp Records in early May. That's all you really need to know about it, to be honest. The names "Flying Lotus" and "Gaslamp Killer" should be good enough. Go get!
I'll check these out! You might want to give the Echo Expansion compilation a go (spotify:album:2Eexy4eOOsqbOAWy2DDfpg), some choice nugs on there, the Hashim B track's pretty awesome. Gaslamp killer did a pretty good mix for We Make it Good as well.