Yes, the Beatles are one of those acts that are pretty untouchable; legends of their time and great innovators, while the Wu changed the face of hip-hop, and had instrumentals from the RZA.... 'What good can actually come of this union?' you're most likely asking. As soon as C.R.E.A.M. drops, following a cut-and-paste intro, you breathe a sigh of relief. This is not the dumb-as-hammers mash-up that followed Jay-Z colliding with Linkin Park, or the "Track A + Track B = Track AB" chops that 2Many DJs have made their trademark. Enter the Magical Mystery Chambers rearranges The Beatles' instrumentals into completely new and unrecognisable rhythms, which deserve praise in their own right, and shows no mercy in hacking up the mighty Wu.
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For the most part the synthesis is succesful, and as a remix album, Enter contains some wicked updates of classic hip-hop. However, it's the attitude behind the album that makes it so appealing - Caruana's love for both acts shines through, especially in his cut-scenes which pit 1960's news broadcasts against the Wu's chop socky heritage. Money tracks down the classic interview where the broadcaster asks "are you individually millionaires yet?" and the Fab Four cheekily reply "not yet... a lot of it goes to her Majesty; she's a millionaire." There's interviews with fans, brilliantly cheesy Shaolin Warrior quotes, and occaisonal discourses between the two. As a showcase for Caruana's production abilities, it's flawless, and demonstrates that Caruana is well-versed in old-school beat-burglary and production. Well worth the bandwidth.
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Dig it.
In other news, I'm getting very into Micoland and Holly Bretton on the Dead Channel 'net label (cheers to Weaponizer for the recommendation), and will get a review up shortly. Massive Attack / Portishead - slow grind electronica colliding with glitch-pop and dub. Nice.
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